Mounties build a new closet: fast fashion free

Environmental club hosts a sustainable open closet event to combat the uprise of fast fashion.

Olivia Forti ’22

Mounties peruse the racks in search of their new favorite clothing item.

Katie Bakely '23, Staff Writer

Do you ever find yourself purchasing new clothing even though your closet is already stuffed with items that you don’t wear? “Fast Fashion” as defined by Oxford Languages is, “inexpensive clothing produced rapidly by mass-market retailers in response to the latest trends.”

The over-production and consumption of cheap clothing is undeniably detrimental to the environment, and it is an issue that is seen in the lives of many teenagers, even Mount students.

“I am constantly buying new clothes, but sometimes I only wear them once and then never wear them again” said Mia Ferraro ‘23.

Because of the prominence of the issue within our school community, Mount Saint Joseph Academy’s environmental club collaborated with Christina Kelly ‘22 and hosted a “Sustainable Fashion Event” to combat fast fashion.

During the event, Mounties brought in their lightly used clothing and were able to find new additions to their closet  without supporting fast fashion.

Overall, the event was highly successful. Olivia Forti ‘22, president of Mount’s Environmental Club and organizer of the event, expressed gratitude for the high participation and positive feedback she received from the student body. All participants loved the event and enjoyed shopping during their lunch and break periods.

Participant Sophia D’Alonzo ‘23 said, “My favorite item was probably a shirt I picked out. It was brand new with tags!”

“I also got a little green dress that I have already worn twice so far!” Katie McGovern ‘22 said.

Despite the event coming to a close, the environmental club urges you to keep making an effort to live and shop sustainability. Oliva Forti ‘22 recommends hosting your own miniature version of the event by trading clothes with your friends.

“Simply swapping clothes with your friends. For example, if your friend doesn’t wear a certain skirt anymore and you like it, you can just swap with them for something you don’t want anymore.” Forti ‘22 said.

Olivia also recommends thrifting, both online and in person. Below are the links to some popular thrift stores.

In-person shopping:

Greene Street, in Chestnut Hill

Plato’s Closet, Willow Grove


Online shopping:


