Self-care for students
Tips for students to overcome stress.
Self-care can take many forms.
November 29, 2022
The fall semester is fun-filled, but can also leave you feeling burnt out. For seniors, it is a time of college application stress and difficult classes, on top of sports, clubs, and part time jobs. Self-care is put off to the side, as the college application process takes top priority. Though it feels like time is moving at rapid speed, and deadlines are approaching faster than any of us could have imagined, there are some ways to help relieve some of the weight on your shoulders.
Breathe. This first step is simple. When you feel overwhelmed, step aside and breathe. Take five or even ten minutes to decompress. Stopping to breathe can clear your mind and give your body time to catch up with your continuously running brain.
Exercise. This does not mean you have to run ten miles or do an intense workout class. Go on a twenty minute walk. Bike a few miles. Take your dog on a walk through your neighborhood. Exercise is one of the best ways to relieve stress and sort through your thoughts.

Plan out your days. Writing to-do lists and making calendars is one of the most effective ways to keep your days organized, and ensure that every deadline will be met. Having a clear guide of your day is essential to staying on top of your work.
Take a hot shower. Taking a hot shower can calm your nerves and wash away some of your anxieties. The heat in showers causes the release of a chemical called oxytocin, which directly correlates with relaxation.
Clean your room. Deep clean your room. Get rid of old clothes you don’t wear. Give away unnecessary items you don’t use. The best way to declutter your mind is to declutter your space.

Bake. This is a personal favorite. If you love to bake sweet treats, set some time aside and bake your favorite desserts. Baking allows you to get your mind off of all of your stresses in life and put your energy into something productive and fun.
The fall of senior year is hard, but everyone will get through it. Most importantly, take time for yourself, and know that all of your hard work will eventually pay off. Check out the links for more tips!
Zoe • Feb 3, 2023 at 2:18 pm
Love this so much! Slay girls!