Mount alums return to Thanksgiving liturgy

Former Mounties reunite with each other and their teachers.

Former Mountie and Campanile Editor Margaux Barret ‘22 sits with current Campanile editor Maddie Norton ‘24 in the Campanile room. When asked why she came back to the Mount, Barrett said, “The way that everyone is just so friendly and welcoming. Especially going to college and meeting all different types of people then coming back, you see the difference.”

Maddie Norton, Junior Leader Editor

From left: Mount Alums Alexandra Ianieri ‘22, Tracey Murray ‘22 and Sophia Brigidi ‘22 take a picture together in the Campanile room. “Mount has taught me a lot of great writing skills, especially in journalism,” Brigidi says.
Mount Alums return and visit all their favorite teachers and catch up with Mrs. Feilke.
Mounties Julia Burns ‘24 (left) and Madison Allen ‘23 (right) reunite with Mount Alum Devon Lasky ‘22 (middle). “The thing I miss most about Mount is seeing my friends in the hallway every day and the crew and field hockey teams,” Lasky says.
Mount Alums visit for the Thanksgiving Liturgy, then catch up with the president of the Mount, Sister Charlene.
From left: Former Mounties Caroline Gola ‘22, Cecilia Funchion ‘22 and Maggie Pensabene ‘22 return to the Mount and walk the halls like they did before. When asked about what they miss most about the Mount, Pensabene said Señora Hoffman and Gola said her friends and sisters.
From left: Alums Erin Tracy ‘21, Brynn Lynch ‘21, Devon McGarvey ‘21 and Sarah Burns ‘22 take a picture together after reminiscing about their time at the Mount. McGarvey says she misses the Mount’s cookies and the senior tailgates the most. Burns and Tracy both miss the all-girls dance parties, Tracy especially misses the mini THON Mount holds annually. Lynch says what she misses most is Mr. Martin.
From left: Alums Molly Amens ‘22 and Maggie Horgan ‘22 reunite and take a picture together. Horgan says what she misses the most about Mount is the sister hood, and Amens says she misses having lunch every day with her friends.