Christmas through traditions
Mounties share their favorite Christmas traditions.
December 22, 2022
Family members twirl to Christmas classics as twinkling lights illuminate their smiles. Cheesy Hallmark movies play while the smell of homemade cookies and peppermint fills the air. For many people, Christmas is known as the most magical time of the year, but what makes the magic come alive is unique to every family.
Movies have the ability to transport viewers into a different world or time period — especially in regard to nostalgic holidays such as Christmas.

“One of my favorite Christmas traditions is watching ‘Die Hard.’ It brings out the joy and life of Christmas cheer,” Maddie Norton ‘24 said, who shares her opinion on the movie “Die Hard” in her new article, Die Hard: A Christmas Classic.
Whether the movie comfortably fits into the Christmas genre like “Elf” or sparks debates like “Die Hard,” movies are the perfect way to feel the Christmas spirit.
But what is a Christmas movie marathon without food? After all, Christmas is a holiday of family, anticipation and food!

“For Christmas Eve, we always do the Seven Fishes. We always host every year, we have a bunch of people over,” Sophia D’Alonzo ’23 said.

“On Christmas Eve, we do the Seven Fish dinners, and occasionally we will go down to visit my dad’s extended family,” Georgia Bartolo ‘25 said.

“My favorite Christmas tradition is a family holiday party. We bring a bunch of food and eat and catch up with family members,” Zoey Gambone ‘26 said.

“The most popular [recipe] is a mussles and clams sauce for linguine — my favorite meal of the year. We have seven fishes throughout the entirety of the meals, and we have appetizers…Another thing we do is, anyone can come. We always take a picture every year of everyone who attends…some people disappear and some people just join for the next five years…” Georgie Ford ‘24 said.

“What my family does is a little different. On Christmas Eve, we don’t make a home-cooked meal. We actually go for hibachi at Ooka…we all have hibachi as a family together,” Constance Huber ‘24 said.

“My favorite Christmas tradition is making Christmas cookies with my mom, sister, and brother. I like the Christmas tree butter cookies…[we decorate them with] red and green, sometimes the little beads,” Amy Perkins ‘24 said.

“Every Christmas Eve, we go to Reading Terminal Market with my grandparents, my aunt and uncle, my other aunt and uncle, and my cousin…And since there’s so many of us, it takes us a really long time to find seats, but we’re still able to all eat together and it’s really fun and special,” Elizabeth Vasquez ‘25 said.
There is no better way to bond with loved ones than over a feast. So many precious memories are shared while passing plates of food down the table’s “conveyor belt.”
Each family’s Christmas traditions are so special, partially due to the impact of culture and religion.

“We go to Christmas Eve mass at 5:00 at Saint Andrew’s school in the gym,” Meghan Holmes ‘25 said.
“When we get up on Christmas morning, we put Jesus into his crib at the Nativity set,” Huber said.
“On Christmas Eve, my family is very Italian, so we do the feast of the Seven Fishes. My grandmother used to do it…but she passed down the recipes because she can’t do it anymore,” Ford said after explaining her favorite menu items.

“Since I’m Polish, we have a little wafer that we pass around the table — usually to the person to the right of us — and wish [each person] a good year,” Caroline Schellinger ‘25 said.
The cultures of the season can originate in a certain household or can be passed overseas — either way, culture plays an important role in the celebration. Religion also shapes the holiday, whether a family only attends mass on Christmas or if they’ve been preparing for the holiday all year.
Christmas is a beautiful season to spread joy through overplayed carols, a surprise gift a friend has been wanting, a prayer for a loved one, or even just a predictable movie that ends in smiles. No matter how you celebrate your holiday season, allow laughter and joy to be at the heart of everything you do.
Ellery Williams • Feb 9, 2023 at 7:39 pm
frank wanda • Dec 22, 2022 at 7:26 pm
great article! i love christmas
Maddie Norton • Dec 22, 2022 at 7:20 pm
Great Article Gianna!! I loved hearing everybody’s traditions, and thanks for shouting out my article ;0