“Knocking on wood”

Quaranteams: Athletic Director’s Perspective

taken by Cece Funchion ‘22

AD Janet Columbro pictured at her desk in the Fitness Center

Mount’s Athletic Director, Janet Columbro, is taking all the precautions necessary to have a season for all fall sports: tennis, golf, field hockey, soccer, volleyball, and crew alike.

Fall tryouts started this past week, September 21st. Despite COVID-19, there was an increase in girls trying out. The coaches made quick decisions and picked the teams in only two days, September 23rd, and finalized on the 24th.

Many girls have already had a routine in place since they practice with their specific cohort. Girls now come to school everyday and if it wasn’t there cohort day they get their temperature checked and bring the usual COVID-19 form.

Games will also now have a new look. Teams will not be on the same sideline like usual, but on opposite sides of the turf or court.

Players will have to wear a mask at all times except for when they are playing, any time you are on the sideline your mask must be up and on. Every team, except volleyball, can have up to 250 spectators because they are outside and Mount has the means to do so.

Sadly, volleyball cannot have any spectators because they are indoors and gyms are only allowing 25 people including both teams.

With six sports teams to manage in a season and many changes almost daily, Mrs. Columbro is still keeping strong. She is “knocking on wood” and hopes that everything will play out as planned.

“We can get through fall season if everyone cooperates,” says Mrs. Columbro and hopes that all the girls follow the guidelines that Pennsylvania set. Mrs. Columbro says that she is grateful that the Mount and other schools are able to have a sports season and offer in-person school.

We are all hoping for a successful fall sports season and good luck to all the girls!