Maggie Rezza ’24: Proving them wrong

In this profile, we examine the success story of a student athlete at Mount.

Maggie Rezza ’24 cradles the ball as she pivots away from the defender.

Maura Fecak, Senior Lead Editor

Maggie Rezza, a junior at the Mount, has been playing lacrosse for eight years. She was a natural, quickly joining club teams after discovering her talent. Going D1 was always in the back of her mind, due to the discussions of it from her lacrosse coaches and teammates starting as early as fifth grade. However, going to college for lacrosse never became a goal of hers until she went to high school.

 “Making varsity freshman year I was thinking, I guess I maybe have a chance,” Rezza said. 

Rezza balanced her social life and school work admirably, keeping her grades proficient throughout highschool. Additionally, she joined plenty of clubs she found interest in, such as MagicTHON which she has a leadership position in. Being a friend, lacrosse star, student, and MagicTHON leader wasn’t as easy as she made it look. Training several times a week and keeping up with her academics was challenging, but she knew she could do it.

“Everyone calls summer before junior year hell summer. You’re  going 24/7,” Rezza said. 

Maggie Rezza could handle the heat. Whether it was a six hour practice or a tournament being watched by college officials, she persevered. It was taxing physically on her body, but equally as taxing on her mental health.

“It’s like being addicted to something. You have these highs that make you feel amazing, but it makes the lows feel so much worse,” Rezza said. 

Some days were harder than others when it came to her confidence level. Despite her impressive records and beaming energy, Rezza  compared herself to others. She was placed on fields with the “best of the best,” while colleges watched on the sidelines nitpicking her every move. Clearly, the hard work paid off because they liked what they saw! 

Maggie Rezza ’24 searches for an open pass during an offensive play. Tensions are high due to Mount and Gwynedd’s rivalry.

“I wish people would stop saying, ‘you’re so lucky.’ So many people tell me that,” Rezza said. 

Maggie Rezza is not lucky at all. There’s no such thing as a college lacrosse lottery. Rezza is driven.

“There were random comments, mostly from guys, saying things like, ‘Oh, do you really think you can play D1?’  Not that my main purpose was to prove them wrong, but now that it’s done I’m like yeah, I did that,” Rezza said. 

“That” entailed her D1 lacrosse commitment to Penn State in September of her junior year. 

She continues to prove them wrong.