A family of Mounties
Profile: The Feilkes
Mary Kate Feilke ‘22 is one of three members of her family who are laced in the Mount legacy. Emily Feilke ‘24 and Mrs. Melissa Feilke, history teacher, both have the pleasure of seeing Mary Kate in the halls.
The tight-knit family gets to spend almost all day together, though the new hybrid model has prevented them from waving hello as they pass each other in the hallways.
“I liked it more when I didn’t expect to see them in the hallways,” Mrs. Feilke says, “now I can only really see them as they pass by my class.”
Mary Kate says that even before the pandemic, mother and daughter would keep their distance during school so as to not disturb each other. Nonetheless, Mrs. Feilke feels that working at the Mount has given her a different view into her daughters’ lives.
On most days, the trio drives to school together in the mornings, stopping for Starbucks on Fridays. “Sometimes people send things to my mom instead of me or vice versa because our emails are both mfeilke,” Mary Kate says, which is a running joke in their family.
Mary Kate and Emily also have a built-in history teacher, who helps with Mary Kate’s AP’s, and reads over DBQ’s. Surprisingly, Mary Kate, Emily, and her mom all agree that not being able to have classes together isn’t the worst thing in the world, as they both want to avoid any form of special treatment.
“It gets annoying when people I don’t know come up to me in the halls to tell me they love my mom’s class or give me a message,” Mary Kate admits.
Though some aspects of the family’s experience can be bothersome, the Feilke’s exhibit patience as they are around each other day and night. Mary Kate Feilke and her family of Mounties are admired for showing such strong support in the Mount legacy.

Maggie Pensabene is a senior at the Mount and is serving as Editor-in-Chief this year. Other than The Campanile, Maggie also acts as Senior Chair of Mount...