A glimpse inside the pool

Profile: Maggie Mikalic ‘21

Taken by Mrs. Cathryna Brooke

Maggie Mikalic ’21 smiling after her commit to Leigh University

Booming voices of one hundred or so spectators echoed the walls of the natatorium as they took their seats in the stands. Crowds hushed their conversations to a soft murmur as the official blew his whistle. The first heat of the girls 500-meter freestyle shook their limbs and readied themselves in their blocks. The buzzer sounded and the race began. Senior Maggie Mikalic hears the muffled cheers of meet-goers as her arm cycles propel her forward. The “Lehigh commit” is likely thinking one thing: what lap am I on?

As you pass through the loading dock, you may have recognised Maggie’s name on the record board one time or another. Beyond her athletic ability, Mikalic’s peers speak highly of her.

“Maggie is just a real and genuine person, and she is always there for everyone,” said fellow teammate Mary Kate Leonard ’21. 

Senior Maura Scanlon boasts Maggie’s impeccable taste in music because she’s always hyping “herself up for her races.”

Claiming that Maggie is hardworking is an understatement: the student-athlete practices 11 times a week, 11 months a year. Mikalic’s weekdays start off at Upper Dublin Aquatic Club’s 5:30am practice followed by a seven hour school day and an additional club practice in the evening. Determined in the pool and in the classroom, Maggie juggles her responsibilities with ease–her diligence admired by many. Referred to as “Giggles” by some, her teammates can count on her to bring positive energy and make them laugh.

Understandably, Maggie wants a legacy beyond the record books. She hopes that her coaches and teammates remember her as team-player and leader. She wants to be a symbol of resilience in the face of trial in addition to being identified as approachable, enthusiastic, and optimistic.

After the race, Maggie exits the pool equipped with a smile that radiates across her face as she’s greeted with congratulations by her teammates and coaches–she just set a new personal best. 

Coach Janet takes her win as an opportunity to remind the Mounties that “happy swimmers are fast swimmers.”